Why CrossFit?
Our CrossFit program is about getting you as fit as possible, while offering the best fitness community around. This is the perfect option for adults who are looking to improve their health and fitness, regardless of experience or fitness level. We offer a welcoming, and diverse community of like-minded people who are serious about their goals. Our goal is to help you train to acheive your fitness goals, while using our spin on the CrossFit methodology. This program is offered in group classes, where everything is coached - from the warmup, to the cool down. If you are looking to become more fit, this is for you!

Athlete Performance
Our Sports Performance programmed is designed to unlock the potential and create the best athlete possible. We have created the optimal platform for athletes built around training, nutrition and mindset, with the goal of becoming the most prepared. Athletes are introduced and trained in strength training, speed & agility, nutrition, mobility, goal setting and more. We use a 4 step approach with new athletes in this program: 1) Assessment 2) Square Zero 3) Introduce & Expose 4) Execute & Develop

Personal Training
Our Personal Training option is an excellent option for those that crave a 1-on-1 environment, or desire personalized programming. In this program, training and nutrition is tailored for the individual with their individual goals in mind. We have PT clients that have been with us since the beginning, and we also offer “pop-up” PT for those that are looking to work on a specific skill/movement. To get started, click here for your free session:
L.I.F.E. 55+

Introducing our Longevity In Functional Exercise (L.I.F.E.) program. This class will prove that everyone is a candidate to improve their quality of lives through the CrossFit methodology. Class is $60/month and we offer 2 free classes as a trial. This program will focus on quality of life, mobility and longevity.
Monday: 3PM
Thursday: 2PM

About Us
We have created the optimal platform for our adults and athletes to achieve their fitness and athletic goals. We do this successfully because we provide a higher degree of coaching, programming and training through our semi-private atmosphere. Having a sense of community within the gym is a priority for us, as well as providing our members the training atmosphere they deserve, and we believe we have the perfect marriage of an encouraging atmosphere and a serious training environment. We never get tired of seeing our members succeed, and we plan to keep that tradition going. Below is our commitment to our members